This Is Our Rainbow

Edited by Katherine Locke and NIcole Melleby

This Is Our Rainbow is the first LGBTQIA+ anthology for middle schoolers.A wonderful collection of short stories written by some of today's most popular middle grade authors. There are 16 different stories and there is something for everyone here; realistic fiction, graphic stories, fantasy and every identity in the LQBTQIA spectrum. Some stories are sweet, some sad; read it from start to finish or pick and choose which stories interest you.

Contributed by: Janet Gallagher

Janet has worked as the Teen and Reference Librarian at the Weymouth Public Libraries for over 10 years! She studied Library Science at Simmons University earning a master’s degree in 2011. She loves to travel especially to the National Parks and exploring new cities; she’s a big fan of musical theater, and a mature bird watcher, knitter, crocheter, and loves board games. You can find her in the Teen Room at Tufts Library - let her help you find the perfect book!